Dog friendly caravan parks in Australia

When you are packing up the caravan or motorhome don’t leave your furry friend at home.  There are more and more caravan parks available these days that cater for pets, so you don’t have to leave your favourite friend at home. In the last few years there have been many caravan parks seeing the need to cater for guests that wish to bring their pets along on their holidays or for those that permanently live on the road and wish to stop the night.

Taking our pets on the road with us is a brilliant excuse to share our lifestyle with our special furry friends, and it’s a much healthier and happier alternative than leaving them at home. With a little bit of forward thinking, you’ll see how easy it is and how much richer your adventures will be.

So happy motorhoming to you all, including Fido and Fifi and all those ‘others’ out there – rabbits? Snakes? Ferrets? Parrots?

Top Tips

  • Accustom your pet to being on a leash and harness. A pet harness (available at most pet stores) that connects to the vehicle’s seatbelt allows the animal some movement while keeping it safely restrained.
  • If stopping overnight, check in advance to find a park that allows pets.
  • After arriving at a new destination, allow your pet to learn its way around the neighbourhood and adjust to its location.
  • It’s advisable to keep your pet within the bounds of the motorhome or caravan until it realises that this is its temporary residence – otherwise it may wander off to find your house.
  • Make the animal feel at home by using familiar dishes, blanket, toys, and other items.
  • Stop every few hours so your pet can take a toilet break and a drink of fresh water.
  • Never leave your pet in a parked motorhome or closed up caravan, even on an overcast day or with the windows down – the temperature inside can rise to lethal degrees within minutes.
  • You may love your pet but others may not be so keen – be considerate and keep your pet in check.
  • Clean up after your pet.
  • Noe: Your pet may limit your ability to explore, particularly within National Parks.

Find a dog friendly caravan park


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